Director Michael Howard, born in Rhodesia, now Zimbabwe, of British parents, had a powerful conversion at the age of thirteen and is called of the Lord to be an apostle and prophet in the five-fold ministry to the nations of the world. He is a tough, no-nonsense, fearless man who has ministered in many war zones of Africa.
Mr. Howard has been held prisoner in Mozambique, and was abducted by terrorists, making a daring escape, has faced guns, land mines and death on the various war fronts where he has travelled to take the glorious Gospel.
Kalibu Ministries in Africa, Out of Africa in UK and Finland, and Shekinah Ministries in the US have all been birthed out of the apostolic ministry of Pastor Howard.
There are many works that have been established through these ministries, Kalibu Academy in Malawi, Kalibu Elderly Clinic, Bible Colleges in Africa, and Kalibu University of Divinity and Kalibu Primary School now under construction.
He sees himself as a servant to all men. He has great love and compassion and has often been called an “apostle of love.” His real passion is REVIVAL supremely for the glory of the Lord. To win the lost and see them grow up into Christ until Christ be formed in each believer is his purpose. He is a man of spiritual vision who has no time for religious politicking, materialism or the liberal humanism of the current day. He is a powerful intercessor who knows how to travail until God’s purpose is birthed into reality.
A writer of many books, Mr. Howard believes that the greatest days of the Church are yet to come as the blessed Holy Spirit brings world-wide revival before Christ returns.